Application Worksheet: Custom or Robotic Enclosure

AirClean Systems manufactures a variety of customized solutions for laboratory equipment and procedures. In order to provide the correct solution, the data below is required by our engineering and technical staff to better understand your needs. Please provide detailed and accurate information so we can best determine if a ductless safety enclosure will work for your application. All applications are not appropriate for a ductless enclosure and only complete and accurate information will allow us to validate the use of our product line. Thank you for your time and interest in our ductless safety products.

Fields marked with an (*) are required.

Your Contact Info

Your Application

To expedite your application validation, please provide the most information possible.
Please tell us what chemicals you plan to use with this equipment:
Use the search field to add chemicals to your list
Chemical Name: * Concentration: Volume Evaporated In 24hrs : Frequency of evaporation (days per week): Heated Temperature:


Enclosure Area Dimensions

None are needed
One or more on the left side of the enclosure
One or more on the right side of the enclosure
One or more on the back of the enclosure

Please add the two numbers to prove you are a human.

