AirSafe® Cyano Microprocessor Safety Controller

AirSafe Cyano creates the ideal latent print development environment for cyanoacrylate finger print development
CyanoSafe™ Filtered Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers come standard with the AirSafe Cyano controller, adding many powerful features to the fuming cabinet. By fully automating the fuming process, the AirSafe Cyano helps deliver quality, consistent latent print development. The law enforcement professional is required only to enter the desired development time and then AirSafe Cyano automatically elevates RH to 80% and activates the development accelerator to evaporate the cyanoacrylate quickly.
- Timing of evidence processing cycle
- Monitoring of main Carbon filter life
- Controls humidity levels
- Automatic "lockout" feature protects the operator during the fuming process
- Self diagnostic ensures safe operation
- One-touch control of all chamber features
Quick Keys
Quick Key operation is designed to easily activate and control routine functions.