Due to a service provider outage, AirClean Systems is experiencing technical difficulties with our phone system. We can temporarily be reached by phone at (919) 418-1291. Alternatively, team members are available via Live Chat in the bottom right corner of the website, or via email at contact@aircleansystems.com. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the issue is resolved.


What Makes Our Products Superior?

AirClean® Systems products incorporate state-of-the-art microprocessor-based controllers and monitoring systems. Critical to any ductless safety product, the monitoring system must be able to alert the operator if the filtration fails, if there is insufficient airflow or if filter replacement is necessary. All alarms associated with the monitoring system are designed to alert the user immediately if adverse conditions arise.

AirSafe® Automatic Safety Controller

AirSafe provides superior airflow control and monitoring with integrated solid state electronic gas detection.

AirMax® Automatic Safety Controller

Face velocity monitoring and read out plus inline wet scrubber control at your finger tips

UVTect® Automatic Safety Controller

AirClean Systems laminar flow hoods are monitored with UVTect to ensure the critical ISO 5 environment is maintained.

AirSafe Cyano
AirSafe® Cyano Microprocessor Safety Controller

AirSafe Cyano creates the ideal latent print development environment for cyanoacrylate finger print development

AirSafe NXT
AirSafe® NXT Automatic Safety Controller

The most advanced microprocessor controller available exclusively for ductless fume hoods.

AirSafe® TOUCH Automatic Safety Controller

Multiple user definable profiles with administrative controls for added safety and security.

Fume Scrubber
Mistline Fume Scrubber

Neutralize Acids and other water soluble chemicals without exhausting to the environment.

Silconazyne™ Filtration

Advanced Micropore Technology allows for greater adsorption capacity to a wider range of chemicals

Bonded Carbon Filtration
Gas Phase Bonded Carbon Filtration

AirClean® Systems bonded carbon filters provide for a predictable and reliable gas phase filtration solution

Mechanical Filtration
Mechanical Filtration

HEPA, ULPA and Pre-filtration create critical environments

HEPASafe™ Filtration Technology

Safely and easily change contaminated filters under negative pressure